Annelies Štrba (CH-1947)
05 03 2023 – 12 05 2023
Annelies Štrba is a Swiss multimedia artist, who lives in the Zurich metropolitan area. She works with video, photography, and digital media to approach her subjects, which range from domestically themed images, portraiture, and both urban and natural landscapes.
Annelies Štrba was born in Zug, Switzerland in 1947. She now lives in Richterswil (Lake Zurich) and Ascona, Switzerland. She started showing her work in 1990, and has participated in many group shows alongside other artists known for their portrayals of family, society, and everyday subjects, such as Nan Goldin, Shirin Neshat, Pipilotti Rist and Wolfgang Tillmans. She has traveled internationally for her work, spending time in Japan, Poland, Scotland, Paris, and England, amongst other places. She received a Federal Grant for Applied Art in 1971 and has exhibited widely in Europe, primarily in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria, and France, as well as in the United States.
Štrba combines photography, digital media, and film to chronicle her physical and emotional life. A mother of three, she has been documenting her family environment through her work for over four decades. Her best-known bodies of work, Shades of Time, AYA, NYIMA, and her most recent publication, Noonday, depict her immediate family including her three children, and five grandchildren. Although she is working with subject matter that is very personal and quite literally close to home, Štrba constructs a quality of fantastical narrative in her pictures, utilizing combinations of the different mediums in her repertoire. While creating images that evoke fantastical emotion using technological processes, she simultaneously embraces a sense from 19th-century romanticism while addressing themes of domesticity and nature.
Štrba uses a digital camera to capture moments and figures in film and still, which she then colors with the aid of computer programs. This digital manipulation provides Štrba’s images with a sense of painterliness and allows her to abandon naturalism and realist details in favor of complex visual textures. She often photographs around the family homes just outside of Zurich or in the Swiss mountains, where they spend many weekends and holidays. The product is a personal and poetically abstract documentation of the life around her, capturing her subjects at the dining room table, grooming, in the chaos of untidy rooms, or surrounded by nature. Overall, a personal story is told of the intertwined lives and relationships, speaking to memories, reactions, and nostalgic realization.
1947 Geboren in Zug
1969 Heirat mit Bernhard Schobinger
1970, 1971, 1974 Geburt der Kinder Sonja, Samuel und Linda
1963 –1966 Ausbildung zur Fotografin
1971–1973 Eidgenössisches Stipendium für angewandte Kunst
1984/1985 Reise nach Schlesien (Polen)
1991 Atelieraufenthalt El Cabrito, La Gomera, Kanarische Inseln
1994/1995 Reisen durch Japan
1995 Reise nach Eastwood und Haworth
1996 Atelieraufenthalt Landis & Gyr, London
Reise durch England und Schottland
1997 Atelieraufenthalt Cité internationale des arts, Paris
1998/1999 Reisen nach New York und England
Lebt in Richterswil und Arcegno
Auswahl Einzelausstellungen
2023 Bunt entfaltet sich mein Anderssein, Fotostiftung Schweiz
2021 Noonday, Villa Garbald, Castasegna
2021 Mystik des Alltags, galerie weisser elefant, Berlin
2020 New York 2001, Musée des Beaux-arts, Le Locle
2020 Galleria Sacchetti, Ascona
2018 IKONEN. Arbeiten 1977–2017, Galerie Eigen + Art, Leipzig
2018 IKONEN, Fabian & Claude Walter Galerie, Zürich
2014 Fotoleinwände/Unikate 1976–1994, Galerie Walter Keller, Zürich
2014 Madonnen, Graphische Sammlung der ETH Zürich
2013 Shades of Time, Kunsthaus Zug
2013 My Life’s Dreams, Galerie Eigen + Art, Leipzig
2011 My Life’s Dreams, Frith Street Gallery, London
2010 Icons, Galerie Eigen + Art, Berlin
2010 Jason McCoy Gallery, New York
2009 Kunst(Zeug)Haus, Rapperswil
2008 Brontë Parsonage Museum, Haworth
2008 Jason McCoy Gallery, New York
2008 My Life’s Dreams, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
2006 Wonder, Kunstverein Ulm
2007 Jason McCoy Gallery, New York
2007 Fondazione Sozzani, Mailand
2005 Galerie Rudolfinum, Prag
2004 Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag
2004 Frances und die Elfen, Fabian & Claude Walter Galerie, Zürich
2003 NYIMA, Helmhaus, Zürich
2002 Les cathédrales de monnaie, Fabian & Claude Walter Galerie, Zürich
2002 Galerie Eigen + Art, Berlin
2001 Neue Videos. Neue Bilder, Kunsthaus Zug
2001 The Paradise 1, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
2001 Shades of Time, Centre national de la photographie, Paris
2000 Frith Street Gallery, London
2000 Galerie Eigen + Art, Berlin
1999 Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
1998 Galerie Eigen + Art, Leipzig
1998 Shades of Time, The Photographers’ Gallery, London
1998 Thread Waxing Space, New York
1998 Maison européenne de la photographie, Paris
1998 Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
1997 Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau
1997 Galerie Eigen + Art, Berlin
1995 Museum Moritzburg, Halle
1994 Galerie Eigen + Art, Berlin
1993 Galerie Bob van Orsouw, Zürich
1992 Galerie Eigen + Art, Berlin
1992 galerie weisser elefant, Berlin
1991 Galerie Eigen + Art, Leipzig
1990 Aschewiese, Kunsthalle Zürich
Auswahl Gruppenausstellungen
2022 Your Life. Fotografie aus der KWS-Sammlung, Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf
2022 Wahlfamilie – Zusammen weniger allein, Fotomuseum Winterthur
2022 Familiensache, Kunst(Zeug)Haus, Rapperswil
2021 Annelies Štrba & Bernhard Schobinger, Gowen Contemporary, Genf
2020 Nonnen. Starke Frauen im Mittelalter, Landesmuseum Zürich
2019 Spiegel, Museum Rietberg, Zürich
2019 Memoria del Sublime. Il paesaggio nel secolo XXI, Museum dei Cedri, Bellinzona
2017 Schlaf – Eine produktive Zeitverschwendung, Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum, Bremen
2016 Heiliger Besuch, Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen
2016 Aufs Land Bilder! – Landhausbilder von Kobell bis Richter, Schlossmuseum Murnau
2016 Close Up, Galerie Eigen + Art, Berlin
2015 Phantom Bodies: The Human Aura in Art, Frist Art Museum, Nashville
2012 Künstlerkinder. Von Runge bis Richter, von Dix bis Picasso, Kunsthalle Emden
2012 Alice in the Wonderland of Art, Kunsthalle Hamburg
2011 Alice in Wonderland, TATE Liverpool
2011 Kontroverze. A Legal and Ethical History of Photography, Rudolfinum, Prag
2010 Galerie Eigen + Art, Leipzig
2008 TEEN CITY – L’aventure adolescente, Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne
2006 In the Face of History. European Photographers in the 20th Century, Barbican Centre, London
2007 Fairy Tale: Contemporary Art and Enchantment, Leeds Art Gallery
2006 Artists for Miroslav Tichý, House of Arts, Brno
2004 doublebind. kunst-kinder-karriere, Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum, Bremen
2002 Claude Monet – bis zum digitalen Impressionismus, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel
2002 Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
2000 Leeds City Art Gallery, Leeds
2000 Frith Street Gallery, London
2000 home, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
1999 Trace, 1st Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art, Tate Gallery, Liverpool
1999 New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
1998 La sphère de l’intime, Le printemps de Cahors
1997 Antechamber, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London
1997 Die Schwerkraft der Berge 1774 –1997, Aargauer Kunsthaus/Kunsthalle Krems
1996 Prospect ’96 – Fotografie in der Gegenwartskunst, Frankfurter Kunstverein/Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt
1996 The Eye of the Beholder, The Swiss Institute, New York
1994 The Epic and the Everyday, Hayward Gallery, London
1993 Galerie Eigen + Art, New York
1992 The Boundary Ride, Biennale of Sydney
1991 Galerie Eigen + Art bei Kunst-Werke Berlin