• September 2021 Edition of 300 Softcover Designed by CH-RO-MO Texts by Mauro Zanchi / Sara Benaglia / Francesca Lazzarini

    Metafotografia 3: Imagomorfosi e altre ricerche

    Con opere di Simone Bergantini, Silvia Bigi, Achille Filipponi, Christian Fogarolli, Kensuke Koike, Rachele Maistrello, Ryts Monet, Orecchie D’Asino, Giulia Parlato, Paola Pasquaretta, Claudia Petraroli, Giovanna Repetto, Carloalberto Treccani, Lorenzo Vitturi, Martina Zanin

  • Edizione Speciale 10 copie con una stampa originale firmata e numerata da I/X to X/X dimensioni di cm 16x25


    Artist: Aline d’Auria Testi: Misia Bernasconi, Lucia Ceccato and Michele Marangi. Graphic design: Marco Cassino Italiano - English Translation: Sylvia Adrian Notini Edition: 290 copies + 10 special editions with one signed print Dimensions: 26.5 x 18.5 cm Pages: 162 + 36 Publisher: Artphilein Editions, Lugano - 2021 ISBN: 9788894518634

  • Artist: Aline d’Auria Testi: Misia Bernasconi, Lucia Ceccato and Michele Marangi. Graphic design: Marco Cassino Italiano - English Translation: Sylvia Adrian Notini Edition: 290 copies + 10 special editions with one signed print Dimensions: 26.5 x 18.5 cm Pages: 162 + 36 Publisher: Artphilein Editions, Lugano - 2021 ISBN: 9788894518634

  • Text: Katerina Gregos, Laurent Busine

    Hardcover,  mm284 x 274

    168 pages,  98 colors pictures €40 Jrp Editions English, French, German ISBN 978-3-905829-79-2

    PUBLICATION :,June 2008

  • Beat Streuli New York City 2000-02 Text(s) by Vincent Katz German, English Ed. Hatje Cantz 2003. 224 pp., 119 ills. hardcover 23.70 x 30.20 cm ISBN 978-3-7757-9138-0

  • THE HOUSE Special edition with print A signed and numbered edition limited to 45 books Archival pigment print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag paper, signed and numbered 38x32 cm (4 cm white border included). Choice of 3 photos (15 ex each) (scroll down)

    195 euro


    THE HOUSE 57 photographs by Karin Borghouts Text by Eric Min (NL, FR, ENG) Quotations by Paul de Moor (NL, FR, ENG) SNOECK publishers 2021 Graphic design by Jean-Michel Meyers printed by Graphius, Belgium 94 pages Softcover, Swiss binding cm 30 x 24 ISBN: 978-9-4616-1674-6

  • THE HOUSE 57 photographs by Karin Borghouts Text by Eric Min (NL, FR, ENG) Quotations by Paul de Moor (NL, FR, ENG) SNOECK publishers 2021 Graphic design by Jean-Michel Meyers printed by Graphius, Belgium 94 pages Softcover, Swiss binding cm 30 x 24 ISBN: 978-9-4616-1674-6


    EUR 32.-

    THE HOUSE Special edition with print A signed and numbered edition limited to 45 books Archival pigment print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag paper, signed and numbered 38 x 32 cm (4 cm white border included). Choice of 3 photos (15 ex each) (scroll down)

    EUR  195.-

  • Text(s) Raymond Bellour Roberta Valtorta Jonathan Watkins

    JRP | Editions

    ISBN 9783037642061 Format softback Pages 160 Illustrations 85 colour, 15 b&w illustrations Dimensions 286mm x 238mm Weight 935


    fotografie di Beat Streuli testi di Nils Röller, Hilde Van Gelder Grafica Integral Lars Müller Lars Muller Publishers - 2018

    20 × 27,5 cm, 8 1/4 × 10 3/4 in 620 pagine, 257 illustrazioni hardback
    2019, 978-3-03778-576-8, Inglese

  • 16 immagini di cm 33.5 x 45                                      stampa digitale  su carta tatami white grm 250 edizione limitata a 200 copie (+50 ap) incluso mini leporello di cm  15×11 contenuti in una raffinata scatola telata portfolio
  • fotografie di Stefania Beretta testo di Viana Conti (italiano, inglese) self-published 2020  cm 24×22.5–  300 copie Stampato da Arti Grafiche Salin – Italia

  • fotografie di Stefania Beretta testo di Viana Conti (italiano, inglese) self-published 2020  cm 24×22.5–  300 copie Stampato da Arti Grafiche Salin – Italia

  • Ed. Dario de Bastiani  –  2020 cm 17×21   –   48 pagg     4 colori brossura copertina    EUR  10.-

  • September 2020 Edition of 350 Softcover

    Designed by CH-RO-MO Texts by Mauro Zanchi / Sara Benaglia / Giangavino Pazzola / Carlo Sala

    Metafotografia 2: Le mutazioni delle immagini

    Con opere di Fabrizio Bellomo, Claudio Beorchia, Federico Clavarino, Ezio D'Agostino, Discipula ( Mirko Smerdel, Marco Paltrinieri , Tommaso Tanini), Teresa Giannico, IOCOSE ( Matteo Cremonesi, Filippo Cuttica, Davide Prati, Paolo Ruffino), Silvia Mariotti, Luca Massaro, Filippo Minelli, Francesco Pozzato, Alessandro Sambini, Emilio Vavarella.

  • fotografie di Jean-Marc Yersin cm 16.5 x 21, 25 pagg  in brossura ISBN 978-2-9701186-0-2 Stampato nel giugno 2017 da Polygravia S.A., Châtel -Saint-Denis in 200 copie firmate e numerate, delle quali 50 in lingua inglese, English translation: Will Bonnard Mowat

  • Photographs by Andreas Seibert Texts by Jeff Kingston, Andreas Seibert, Chen Guidi and Wu Chuntao © 2008 Lars Müller Publishers Design: Integral Lars Müller hardcover 19 x 26 cm, 7½ x 10¼ in, 320 pages, 228 illustrations, hardcover (2008) ISBN 978-3-03778-146-3, English €40.00 / $55.00 / £40.00

  • Testo di Pietro Bellasi, Giovanna Calvenzi italiano – inglese 136 pagine 59 immagini colore 28,80 x 24,70 cm ed. Hatje Cantz, Berlino – 2014 cartonato ISBN 978-3-7757-3925-2 EUR  40.-

  • Photographs by Andreas Seibert Concept: Andreas Seibert Design: Integral Lars Müller Translation from the German: Michael Robinson Copyediting: Jonathan Fox Lithography: Ast & Fischer, Wabern Paper: Hello Fat Matt, 150 g / m2 Printing and binding: Kösel, Altusried-Krugzell, Germany

    © 2013 Lars Müller Publishers and Andreas Seibert Lars Müller Publishers Zürich, Switzerland ISBN 978-3-03778-295-8

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