© Noura Gauper

Virginie Rebetez ( CH-1979)

31 10 2021 – 23 12 2021


Virginie Rebetez about


Virginie Rebetez (CH, 1979) vive a Losanna (CH). Diplomata a l’Ecole de Photographie di Vevey nel 2005, continua i suoi studi alla Gerrit Rietveld Academie di Amsterdam ed ottiene il suo diploma in arti visive nel 2008. Lavora sui temi della scomparsa, la perdita e l’oblio, il suo lavoro artistico è esposto in musei, gallerie e festival, in mostre collettive o personali in Svizzera e all’estero. – Galerie C (Neuchâtel, CH), Three Shadows Photography Art Center (Pechino, CN), Imago Lisboa Festival (Lisbona, PT), La Maison Rouge (Parigi, F), OCAT (Shanghai, CN), Photoforum Pasquart (Bienne, CH), Format Festival (Derby, UK) – e pubblicato in diverse riviste di fotografia contemporanea. Il suo lavoro è stato premiato con alcune borse e premi culturali, come la Bourse des arts plastiques del Canton de Vaud (CH, 2019), L’Enquête photographique fribourgeoise (CH, 2018), La Fondation Leenaards (CH, 2014), i Swiss Design Awards (CH, 2014), il 29e Festival International de Mode et Photographie di Hyères (F, 2014), il Prix Focale de Nyon (CH, 2013). Rebetez ha partecipato anche a programmi di residenza d’artista a Johannesburg (SA, 2013), New York (US, 2014) e al Cairo (EG, 2016). Il suo lavoro fa parte della Collection de la Ville de Lausanne, della Fotostiftung Wintherthur, la Ville de Nyon, così come diverse collezioni private. Virginie Rebetez ha realizzato due pubblicazioni con l’editore Meta/Books, Out of the blue (2016) e Malleus Maleficarum (2018), entrambi ben distribuiti e premiati.

Virginie Rebetez (CH, 1979) est basée à Lausanne (CH). Diplômée de l’Ecole de Photographie de Vevey en 2005, elle poursuit ses études à la Gerrit Rietveld Academie d’Amsterdam et obtient son Bachelor en arts visuels en 2008. Travaillant autour de la disparition, la perte et l’oubli, son travail artistique est régulièrement exposé dans différents musées, galeries et festivals, lors d’expositions collectives ou individuelles en Suisse et à l’étranger – Galerie C (Neuchâtel, CH), Three Shadows Photography Art Center (Pékin, CN), Imago Lisboa Festival (Lisbonne, PT), La Maison Rouge (Paris, F), OCAT (Shanghai, CN), Photoforum Pasquart (Bienne, CH), Format Festival (Derby, UK) – et publié dans différents magazines dédiés à la photographie contemporaine. Son travail a été récompensé par diverses bourses et prix culturels, tels que la Bourse des arts plastiques du Canton de Vaud (CH, 2019), L’Enquête photographique fribourgeoise (CH, 2018), La Fondation Leenaards (CH, 2014), Les Swiss Design Awards (CH, 2014), le 29e Festival International de Mode et Photographie de Hyères (F, 2014), le Prix Focale de Nyon (CH, 2013). Rebetez a également suivi plusieurs programmes de résidences d’artistes à Johannesburg (SA, 2013), New York (US, 2014) et au Caire (EG, 2016). Son travail fait partie de la Collection de la Ville de Lausanne, de la Fotostiftung Wintherthur, la Ville de Nyon, ainsi que diverses collections privées. Virginie Rebetez a réalisé deux publications avec les éditions Meta/Books, Out of the blue (2016) et Malleus Maleficarum (2018), toutes deux largement diffusées et récompensées.

Virginie Rebetez (CH, 1979) lives and works in Lausanne, Switzerland. Graduated from the Photography School of Applied Arts in Vevey (2005), she followed her education in the Gerrit Rietveld Academie of Amsterdam, from where she obtained a Bachelor in visual arts, in 2008. 
All her projects are closely connected to each other and focus on the space created by absence. She is interested in the concept of invisibility by exploring new narrative forms. Focusing on unfinished stories, her work questions the idea of traces, presences and absences, as well as the role of the image-maker. Rebetez’s work is presented in numerous shows, festivals and galleries, in Switzerland and internationally – Galerie C (Neuchâtel, CH), Three Shadows Photography Art Center (Beijing, CN), Imago Lisboa Festival (Lisbon, PT), La Maison Rouge (Paris, F), OCAT (Shanghai, CN), Photoforum Pasquart (Bienne, CH), Format Festival (Derby, UK) – as well as published in various magazines and photographic reviews. Her work received several awards, such as – La Bourse des arts plastiques, Canton de Vaud (CH, 2019), L’Enquête photographique fribourgeoise (CH, 2018), La Fondation Leenaards (CH, 2014), Swiss Design Awards, (CH, 2014), Leica price, 29th Festival of Photography and Fashion of Hyères (F, 2014), Prix Focale_Ville de Nyon (CH, 2013). She took part in several art residency programs, in Johannesburg (SA, 2013), New York (US, 2014) and Cairo (EG, 2017). Virginie Rebetez published two books with Meta/Books, Out of the blue (2016) & Malleus Maleficarum (2018), which were both acclaimed. Her work is part of the Fotostiftung Wintherthur collection, as well as La Ville de Nyon, La Ville de Lausanne and several private ones.